Already 24 months. For 24 months, you have been enjoying the existence of your little girl. It feels like she was a baby just yesterday, and now she already has one foot in the world of a toddler. Where has the time gone? Anyway, a 2-year-old girl who will soon actually turn two. The question is: what do you give a 2-year-old girl as a gift? While she may not fully grasp the concept of birthdays, she certainly appreciates them. To avoid major disappointments, we present the best gifts for a 2-year-old girl in this blog. All other information tells you the relevance of the gifts from a developmental perspective. 

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Developmental Stage of a 2-Year-Old Girl

A 2-year-old girl goes through an incredibly beautiful developmental phase in cognitive, physical, and social-emotional areas. They can use objects in their play to represent other things, such as a block serving as a phone. This also means that their language development takes off. This means they start forming very simple sentences on their own and understand and follow instructions given to them. Fascinating, isn’t it? Naturally, their social-emotional development progresses accordingly. Their awareness of what they and others want increases, but emotions are not always well understood, which can lead to great frustrations. Gradually, she will learn how to regulate emotions and handle conflicts. Know that this process can take years, and the 2-year-old girl is just beginning this development. 

Physically, your 2-year-old girl will suddenly be able to do a lot more. Motor skills improve (e.g., holding cutlery). This can be seen in better walking, running, and even climbing stairs with some assistance. Where you could comfortably look away last year, you now have to be careful she doesn’t run off. 

Don’t worry about suddenly losing your girl, as the relationship with parents/caregivers remains crucial. Crucial for the sense of safety and attachment. On the other hand, she will also start showing interest in parallel play with peers. This means they don’t play together but next to each other without any interaction. You can understand that certain gifts are appropriate or not. Gifts that stimulate her development but are also simply things that make her very happy. Of course, the development of a 2-year-old is extremely important, but don’t lose yourself in everything that ‘would be good for her’. 

Don’ts (types of gifts you don’t want to buy for a 2-year-old girl)

You read it between the lines, but there are also several gifts that you would rather not buy for a 2-year-old girl. Think, for example, of small parts that can easily be put in the mouth. Toddlers often explore the world by putting things in their mouths. You want to minimize the choking hazard. 

Other gifts you don’t want are too advanced toys. Just as we could have said ‘too difficult toys,’ we consciously chose ‘advanced’ to emphasize the notion. In other words: why make it complicated when it can be appropriate for their level. Too difficult toys will cause a lot of frustration. 

What is an appropriate budget for this age? 

You can tell a child a hundred times that they are 2 years old, but whether they really understand it, well, that will vary from child to child. In any case, how much you want to spend on a gift is something to think about per gift. We only give you an idea of the amount you might want to spend. Know that these amounts are not mandatory but just an idea of what perhaps other aunts/neighbors/parents/etc. usually spend. Read:

  • Parents: £30.00 to … 
  • Immediate family members (uncle & aunt, grandparents): £10.00 to £50.00 
  • Neighbors/acquaintances: £5.00 – £20.00

A princess dress is often enough. No understanding of money also means the child won’t look at the price tag. 

Further Tips 

Before we get to the top 20 best gifts for a 2-year-old girl, we’d like to give you a few final tips. Try not to buy gender-stereotyped toys, for example. Instead, encourage diverse play and interests. The nurturing nature of little boys can be boosted with a baby doll. The adventurous nature of girls can be stimulated with some race cars. Furthermore, it is essential to remember that each child is unique, and not every 2-year-old likes the same things. On the other hand, safety, educational value, and play pleasure are the key factors when selecting an appropriate gift for a 2-year-old girl.

1. Balance Bike

Imagine: a 2-year-old girl on her first two-wheeled balance bike, ready to conquer the world. With her wild hair blowing in the wind and a big smile on her face, she races around like a true speed demon. But wait, is she steering straight or heading straight into the grass? And why does her balance bike squeak like an old door? Oh well, it doesn’t matter – she’s the queen of the street, and nothing can stop her. On to adventure, with her trusty balance bike by her side! Honestly, isn’t that a dream scenario? Now that she can finally walk and balance, things like riding a two-wheeled balance bike will also become smoother.

2. Dollhouse

A dollhouse has been an immensely popular toy among children for decades. Where it used to be a status symbol, it is now available to many more children thanks to various affordable options and designs. A dollhouse offers endless possibilities for imaginative play and social interaction. For a 2-year-old girl celebrating her birthday, a dollhouse is a wonderful gift that encourages her to use her imagination, create stories, and build her own world. It is a timeless gift that will bring her many years of pleasure and fun. Maybe even so timeless that it can be passed down to the next generation. How great would that be!

3. Dress-Up Clothes

Maybe 24 months is just a bit young to start a collection of dress-up clothes, but you could buy something to grow into. We mean, go ahead if you want to buy something that fits now, but know that she might outgrow it in six months. Well, maybe we’re being a bit too cautious here. Many people are creative enough to alter clothes or estimate what will still fit. Either way, you will make the 2-year-old very happy. She can transform into a beautiful princess or a brave knight in no time. That sounds like music to your ears when you’re so young. In fact, you might even long for the days when you could visit in a costume without anyone asking questions.

4. Educational Toys

At the age of 2, playing is more important than learning; that will come later. Play is the natural way young children explore, discover, and understand the world around them. Besides, they still learn through play. By playing, they develop essential skills such as creativity, problem-solving, and social interaction. Buying educational toys for a 2-year-old girl is not a bad idea. These toys are often designed to stimulate and inspire while she has fun at the same time. Through play, she learns new things and lays the foundation for her future development and education.

5. Coloring Books

A coloring book for a 2-year-old girl? Isn’t that a waste since she won’t color neatly? No, it’s not a waste to give coloring books to a 2-year-old girl, even if she doesn’t color within the lines yet. At that age, it’s more important that she enjoys the creative process and develops her motor skills by drawing and coloring. Coloring books offer her the chance to use her imagination, explore colors, and improve her hand-eye coordination. Moreover, it can boost her self-confidence and encourage her to experiment with different colors and techniques. So even if she colors outside the lines, it’s still a valuable and fun activity for her development. Go ahead and buy some!

6. Bike Decorations

Think of colored bike bells, handlebar decorations with ribbons or fringes, bike baskets with flower patterns, or even wheel lights that blink or change color. It might not be the safest idea for traffic, but if the little girl is only riding around her street, we see no problem. It makes it more appealing to ride the bike and might even encourage other kids to take their bikes out of the shed. Because you know what it’s like with 2-year-olds? They can be quite stubborn. Just because mom or dad says something doesn’t mean they’ll listen. But if they see another child doing something, they want to do it too. In other words, by your daughter’s actions, you’re helping other parents get their own little ones outside. Sounds great, right?

7. Dolls

This is actually part of the gift idea we listed at number 9 in this list. You can have a doll stroller, but without a doll, it’s not much use. The beauty of this time is that dolls are very inclusive. For example, BabyBorn is not only available in a white version but also in other skin tones. It creates a sense of recognition and inclusivity. Even at that age, it’s important to make her aware of this. The 2-year-old girl belongs, no matter what her skin color is. Anyway, another detail about the doll: it would be nice if you could dress and undress the doll. Someone else could give a different outfit for the doll at the birthday party, just like the girl herself changes clothes every (few) day(s).

8. Toy Kitchen

A toy kitchen is popular with young children for several reasons. The main reason is that it allows them to mimic adults and pretend they are cooking and preparing food themselves. It gives them the feeling that they can do the same as what mom or dad is doing. In other words, it creates a sense of autonomy and involvement. You couldn’t ask for better, right? The great thing about this gift is that you’re buying something to grow into. In the sense that: she will probably still enjoy playing with it in two years. On the condition that she can eventually work with real food, of course. Well, those are things for later. For now, the focus is on standing while doing other things, haha.

9. Doll Stroller

With this item, she can take her favorite doll or stuffed animal everywhere. Doll strollers come in various styles and sizes, from classic models to modern designs. Choose one that suits her personality and play style. For example, you can choose a modern design if her parents also transport her little brother/sister in a similar stroller. A classic model is always a good option as well. Anyway, with a doll stroller, the girl can let her imagination run wild and play role-playing games, such as mother-child games. It also stimulates her motor skills, which is never a bad idea. She will walk better while pushing the stroller and practice more delicate actions while caring for her doll. A doll stroller is not only fun but also educational for a 2-year-old girl.

10. Storybooks

For a 2-year-old girl, a storybook with colorful illustrations and simple stories is perfect. Classics like ‘Miffy’ by Dick Bruna, ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ by Eric Carle, and ‘Spot’ by Eric Hill are ideal because of their recognizable characters and interactive elements. There are also books specifically designed to stimulate toddlers’ imaginations and help them enjoy reading. Know that you can never have too many books. Of course, the 2-year-old girl will eventually have a preference for a particular book or series, but it’s still good to stimulate her with other books. Starting to read to her now will form a solid foundation for all the books to come in the future.