She’s found her place at school, but not quite within the family. At least, her older siblings don’t make it easy for her. As the youngest in the family, she may have more privileges, but she also has to endure more. Endless arguments, followed by a few days of nothing but love and fun. However, in stressful situations, she can always count on her siblings. But your 14-year-old girl’s birthday is coming up, and it has caused quite a bit of stress. What do you buy for someone who doesn’t have any wishes?

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Developmental Stage of a 14-Year-Old Girl

This childed has probably reached the final stage of her growth spurt. She might grow a bit more, but the greatest ‘height’ is already there. However, her puberty is far from over. In fact, you might find this phase harder to deal with than the previous one. From the age of fourteen, a girl will be more and more focused on gaining new experiences. This comes with experimentation and pushing boundaries. If you say she has to be home by 9 PM on a weekday, she might come home at 9:30 PM instead. Just trying it out, right?

On average, girls experience their first menstruation before their fourteenth birthday. This comes with a lot of emotions. From the tears that come the first time, to the grumpy moods that follow in subsequent times. It’s quite something to be a 14-year-old girl. Besides the discomfort of such physical issues, she’ll also be busy discovering her own ‘self’. Who am I at school? Am I different with the girls at soccer? Why are my parents the way they are and do I resemble them? If I buy this piece of clothing, will I be laughed at?

Know that every child is different. Your fourteen-year-old girl might be occupied with completely different things than your other daughter was at that age. It has to do with personality and the friend groups she’s in, but also with the times. A few years ago, there was a pandemic, but your fourteen-year-old now can go wherever she wants. Be aware that developments can vary greatly. Sure, you can look up this phase and its characteristics on the internet, but instead, talk to the parents of her friends. They’ll present more relatable situations at the moment than the internet does.

Dont’s (Types of Gifts You Shouldn’t Buy for a 14-Year-Old Girl)

We can talk endlessly about gifts a 14-year-old girl would like to receive. You might have some ideas yourself. However, we want to point out gifts you’d better not buy for a 14-year-old girl. A fourteen-year-old girl is extremely sensitive to the opinions of her friends. You might buy something very special, and she might like it, but if her friends don’t, she might just set it aside. This might be very frustrating, but sometimes it’s just the way it is. The life of a teenager is quite complicated and involves external influences. Anyhow, ask her about her wishes, base your idea on that, select a gift from our top gifts, and make her birthday a roaring success.

What is a Suitable Budget for This Age?

Indeed, what is actually a suitable budget for a gift for a 14-year-old girl?

  • Parents/Guardians: £45 and up
    Something she’s been looking forward to for months, you’ll naturally get for her birthday. She has enough sense of money to realize whether you would or wouldn’t buy it for her.
  • Immediate Family (uncles, aunts, grandparents): £9 to £45
    Take a look at the list of best gifts. There’s undoubtedly a nice gift within your budget.
  • Neighbors/Acquaintances: £10 to £20
    Not too expensive and not too little. After all, you probably have about two birthdays a month, and money doesn’t grow on trees. Besides, a £45 gift is a bit much for someone you barely see.
  • Friends: £5 to £10
    By the time of the birthday, something incredibly popular among young people is likely trending. Since they generally don’t have much money, it should be affordable within this budget.

Further Tips 

Teenagers often use gadgets, so accessories like phone cases, headphones, or chargers in cute designs can make great gifts. Another interest at this age is makeup. So, buy a slightly more expensive mascara (one for £10 instead of the £2.50 one she usually buys) to give her a nice gift. Another tip is to show interest in her interests. It’s the only way to be sure you’re getting something suitable, as long as you’re sure it will be appreciated. Her friends are probably the ones who can give the best answers.

1. Selfie Ring Light

For taking the perfect selfie or TikTok video, you need good lighting. It makes the contours of your face just a bit more attractive and eliminates ugly shadows. But you need that good lighting. The solution? How about a selfie ring light? This is a stand with a beautiful LED light mounted in the shape of a ring. In the center of that ring is a smaller stand for your mobile phone, so you can take the photos and videos of your dreams from a distance. If the fourteen-year-old girl pays a lot of attention to her appearance and things like TikTok, this is undoubtedly the gift that will make her happy.

2. Instant Camera

An instant camera is a type of camera that produces physical photos immediately after you take a picture. It uses a special method to develop images without needing a darkroom or external development. These cameras were popular in the 70s and 80s and are making a comeback due to their nostalgic charm and instant results. Given that a 14-year-old girl probably has thousands of photos on her phone, this is a way to make her more conscious about taking photos. With an instant camera, you can’t take 10 photos in a second, and it’s too expensive to retake the photo repeatedly. Give her an empty photo album and let her create physical memories, instead of everything being online! Sell the photo album as an Instagram page on paper.

3. Smartwatch

The ‘downside’ of women’s clothing is that it often doesn’t have pockets. Think skirts, dresses, or even jeans with simply very small or no pockets at all. A smartwatch is a fantastic way to stay updated on what’s coming in on your phone. If it’s really important, you can consider taking the smart watch out of your bag to check or respond. Moreover, the 14-year-old girl might consider using a smartwatch to monitor her health. This includes tracking her heart rate during exercise (and at rest), the amount of sleep she gets at night, or alerts about symptoms she might experience during her menstrual cycle. You can do a lot with it, although it’s a bit of an expense for the gift-giver.

4. Makeup

For an eyeshadow palette from a renowned makeup brand, you can easily pay tens of pounds nowadays. That might seem like a lot of money for a few colors of powder, but many people find it worth it. These palettes often contain a wide range of colors and textures, allowing you to create different looks. Moreover, these brands often have high-quality formulas that are long-lasting and easy to apply. It’s an investment in quality and often also in brand image, which makes people willing to pay more for a product they trust and love. You understand that a fourteen-year-old girl can’t buy all this herself. Her birthday is the perfect time to provide her with such items. You might not think it’s necessary, but that’s not the point, is it?

5. Makeup Mirror

To apply your makeup properly, you also need a good mirror, right? A makeup mirror is quite different from a standard mirror. Some variants have one side with a ‘zoom function’ and the other side gives you the normal reflection you usually see. Other makeup mirrors are special because they have lights around the edge, allowing you to apply your makeup flawlessly. Nothing is more annoying than finding your foundation is completely the wrong color when you step outside, just because you had to do your makeup in the orange bathroom light.

6. Salt Lamp

A salt lamp is basically a lamp made of Himalayan salt. They look cool because they emit a warm, orangish light that’s super cozy. It’s really something a fourteen-year-old girl would want. Anyway, maybe she believes in all the benefits such a lamp could have, like purifying the air and reducing stress. Whether all that’s true? We can’t say. But hey, even if it’s just a nice lamp, it’s still a great addition to her bedroom, right? Moreover, a gift like this is also quite affordable and might be suitable for friends to give. If you look well, you’ll find really budget-friendly options.

7. Nail Polish Set

Getting your nails done at a salon every month for thirty to fifty pounds? No way. She can also do it herself with nail polish. As you can see, the nail polish from the store’s own brand, which costs about two pounds, doesn’t stay nice for more than two days. So, it might be fun to give nail polish as a gift. Nowadays, you can already get a set of gel nail polish without a lamp for a few tens of pounds. Add some accessories, and the girl is fully equipped with everything she needs. Maybe she already knows which nail polish is ‘good enough’ and can indicate which colors she likes. A nail polish set is a sure hit for a girl of this age.

8. Photo Frames

Over the years, the fourteen-year-old girl’s bedroom has completely transformed into her own domain where not everyone is allowed to enter. With her parents’ approval, it has been turned into a place where all kinds of things are displayed. Now that she recently got a few extra bookshelves and there’s room for decoration, you know what to buy: photo frames, of course! She can put pictures of herself and her friends, and maybe a photo of a possible boyfriend. If you’re the girl’s parent, give her a frame with a photo of yourselves. It’s a kind of nod to the fact that her family is also still part of her life, haha.

9. Jewelry Box

Now that she’s earning her own money with a part-time job, there’s suddenly room to expand her wardrobe. Clothes might still be too expensive to buy herself, but jewelry from certain stores should be manageable. Given the growing collection of rings, necklaces, and bracelets, it might be time to invest in a jewelry box. Buy it herself? No way, a wish list exists for a reason. In other words, there’s a good chance a gift like this is on a fourteen-year-old’s wish list. Girls are often easier than boys in this regard, as boys often really don’t know what they want. (Fortunately, you can also find gift ideas for boys between the ages of 1 and 18 on our website).

10. Books

For a 14-year-old girl, there are various book genres that can be appealing. Examples include young adult fiction, romance, mystery, fantasy, and adventure. Popular titles in these genres can range from contemporary stories about teenage life to epic adventures in magical worlds. It’s important to consider her interests and preferences, whether she likes realistic stories, books with strong independent women, or exciting mysteries that pique her curiosity. Reading remains important for her cognitive and social-emotional development, so keep encouraging it. And remember, reading anything is better than reading nothing!