In a moment of innocence, combined with a mix of wonder and curiosity, a 12-year-old girl stands on the threshold of discovery and growth. Her focus on her 12th birthday is not yet there, but certainly on many gifts. Gifts that she probably has ideas about, but you (still) don’t find suitable. Hence, this blog with the best gifts for a 12-year-old girl and much more relevant information.

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Developmental Stage of a 12-Year-Old Girl

Anyone who thinks children are ‘boring’ has to think again. Take, for example, a girl standing at the beginning of her teenage years. While she begins to form her own identity, support from family and friends remains invaluable. She is looking for answers to questions about herself and the world around her. A journey of exploration for understanding and knowledge proves to be a whole journey full of developments.

Because those developments are certainly there. She experiences enormous changes cognitively, socially-emotionally, and physically. A lot of knowledge comes her way, which she tries to process with some effort. This includes knowledge provided at school but also knowledge she seeks out of her own curiosity. Furthermore, things that were not difficult before are suddenly very uncomfortable. Understandably so, as she undergoes significant physical changes. A 12-year-old girl is likely in the midst of puberty. Breasts grow, hair grows in places it didn’t before, and she may have had her first period.

You can imagine that puberty also brings a lot of hormones. Regulation is not yet fully structured, resulting in significant fluctuations in emotions, mood, and temperament. Unsurprisingly, she is quite impressionable. Where once it was ‘mom won’t allow it,’ now it’s ‘but friend x is allowed to do it.’ The love for her parents is still incredibly strong (just look at what is prepared for Father’s Day), but the opinion of friends takes the forefront in conversations. In short: a 12-year-old girl is at the beginning of a long road that leads to the formation of her own identity.

Don’ts (Types of Gifts Not to Buy for a 12-Year-Old Girl)

With the above information in mind, you might already have a few gift ideas. Of course, we are excited about that, but do pay attention to what exactly you buy. There are several gifts you prefer not to buy for a 12-year-old girl. Think, for example, of a book/movie where teenagers of (about) her age lead a perfect life. A girl of this age is already so insecure and will compare herself to something unrealistic. Instead, you can better choose, for example, a magazine that focuses on body positivity and a realistic representation of changes during puberty.

What Is a Suitable Budget for This Age?

While some find a few hundred euros ‘normal’ for a birthday present, others are just happy with someone’s presence. Read here an average budget for a gift for a 12-year-old girl.

  • Parents: £50.00 to …
    Generally, at least fifty pounds are spent on a gift. If this doesn’t fit into your budget, don’t worry, there are countless other, cheaper gifts.
  • Close Family Members (uncles, aunts, grandparents): £20.00 to £50.00
    Survey the gifts from other family members and ask the girl for her wish list.
  • Neighbors/Acquaintances: £10.00
    Put it in an envelope, and the girl will be more than happy. Ten pounds is not much, but for a 12-year-old, it’s an amount to save up. A small gift for the same money is also fun!
  • Friends: £5.00
    Combine it into a larger gift (for example, her favorite mascara) or come up with something original yourself.

Further Tips

Before we present our selected list of gifts, we would like to give you a few further tips for a gift for a 12-year-old girl. First of all: be interested in trends and hypes. Although you might find it ‘useless’ that she will only enjoy the gift for a short time, you can’t make her happier. Besides a physical gift, the girl will undoubtedly also enjoy doing something. For example, getting gel nails done or going out for dinner. And lastly: listen to the girl. Show interest in her interests, show that you know her preferences, and enjoy her presence.

1. Make-up

Although you might think of a ‘run-of-the-mill’ look when looking at the girl, she will also go through an identity crisis. Around this age, it becomes increasingly normal to wear make-up. To ensure she doesn’t look like an Oompa Loompa, you want her to use high-quality make-up. Since she can’t afford that herself with her pocket money, it might be an idea to give it to her as a birthday present. It’s fun to let her have a say in it, so we suggest looking for it together. Would she prefer a foundation, or would a good mascara give her more self-confidence? Our selected overview shows a range of types of make-up, so take advantage of that.

2. Ring Light

If good light is not needed for applying the above make-up, it is certainly needed for recording countless TikTok videos. Don’t ask us why, but apparently, it’s a lot of fun at that age to film yourself and then watch it back. A video that you then post on social media, hoping to go ✨viral✨. We might be a bit too old for it, but your 12-year-old will undoubtedly know how to handle a gift like this. And who are we to blame her? If she enjoys it so much, it’s only fun to encourage this kind of thing, right?

3. Crafting

It’s such a wonderful sight to see those delicate fingers fiddling with craft materials. The most beautiful creations are put together in no time. When you say it’s beautiful what she’s made, you’ll probably get a denial or a modest smile back. Isn’t that the best reaction in the world? A 12-year-old girl is actually still so young and vulnerable. In such a case, it’s fantastic to give her self-confidence a boost. Because really, it may seem like she’s not listening or doesn’t care, but it means more than you think. You give her a boost, keep that flame burning in her, and encourage her to work towards her dreams for life. At least, we hope you achieve that with this.

4. Desk Lamp

Yes, making choices is generally not something a 12-year-old girl is eager to do. In fact, you’ll hear ‘you choose’ more often than ever. And if a choice is made, it’s often not the most responsible one. Not a problem, but it does bring consequences. An example is that this big girl forgot she still had homework. She chilled after school but now realizes she still has some work to do in the dark after dinner. Luckily, there’s the new desk lamp that ensures she can still complete her work calmly. Her eyes may be more tired, but her school results remain optimal.

5. Power Bank

Look, we can beat around the bush, or we can just say it. Anyway, the chance is high that sweet girl comes home every day with a dead phone. Not because she didn’t charge it in the morning, no, purely because the phone is glued to her hand. During breaks, it’s played with, and in class, it’s used for work. Everything, especially filming and watching videos, takes a lot of energy. No wonder the phone is dead at the end of the day. To ensure she stays reachable on the way back from school, sports, or a friend’s house, you can give her a power bank. Nowadays, there are countless power banks with the coolest prints, so that shouldn’t be a problem in terms of design. And yes, maybe that boring gray one is of better quality, but a gift should also be fun.

6. Salt Lamp

The soft, warm light of the lamp will create a cozy atmosphere. Let the 12-year-old girl place the lamp in her bedroom, and she will find herself in an oasis of calm. Some claim these lamps improve air quality and bring a sense of peace and serenity. All in all, it’s a perfect gift for a girl undoubtedly struggling with her feelings and sometimes not knowing where to turn. Maybe you don’t believe in it, but that’s not the point. Often, it’s just the idea of such a thing that can be given to the girl, making her feel safe. In other words: just buy it, and if it has a positive effect on her mood, that’s a nice bonus.

7. Bluetooth Speaker

Oh, how wonderful it is that the 12-year-old girl is still so free and uninhibited. When no one is watching, or when she thinks no one is watching, she jumps around just like she did five years ago. How nice is it that you give her those ‘secret’ moments by buying a Bluetooth speaker. The little speaker allows her to listen to her favorite artist with good quality. When she invites her friends over, you have a nice way to recreate a mini-concert or festival-like atmosphere. Nowadays, decent quality speakers are not even that expensive, so this is also an option for those with a smaller budget. Pick one in a fun color and let her enjoy it, we would say!

8. Manicure and Pedicure Set

Appearance is important, especially for a 12-year-old girl. It’s more important than ever what others think of her. At the very least, a well-groomed appearance is something to strive for. Part of that appearance is the nails. Since it’s still really unaffordable for a 12-year-old girl to get her nails done and taken care of at a salon (and the latter is probably not necessary), you can help her out with a manicure and pedicure set. The most ‘simple’ ones consist of scissors, clippers, a file, and tweezers. The more extensive (and expensive) ones are electric and are really more for filing. But, this way, you can safely remove acrylic from your nails, just to give an example. Anyway, take a look at our ideas below.

9. Curling Brush

A girl with curls wants straight hair, and a girl with straight hair wants curls. Don’t ask us why, but that’s just how it is. It’s no secret that a curling iron is absolutely not good for your hair. Especially if you don’t use a heat protector, those beautiful long locks will eventually break off. That’s why we present here, for all the girls who like to create curls, an idea of a curling brush. A curling brush works on hot air, which ensures that the hair is less likely to get damaged in the long run. The effect you create with it compared to a curling iron will differ, but there’s usually still good work to be done. Well, the 12-year-old girl probably knows better than you do, haha!

10. Straightening Brush

We can’t leave those who want straight hair without anything. In other words, where we just helped those with non-curly hair, now we help those with anti-straight hair. The same principle applies to a straightening brush as it does to the curling iron/curling brush we just talked about. How much money you want to spend on it is up to you, but with these kinds of things, it often is that the more expensive the device, the better the quality. What also always helps is reading the reviews. Most people are clearer and more honest than you think, so that should provide a reasonably clear picture. That picture may not be nuanced, but well, you can keep going with these kinds of things. Know what you’re getting into!