Oh, your ‘little’ one is already 17 years old. Seventeen years! Where has the time gone, you must be wondering. Well, each year has lasted just as long, a few leap years have passed, but other than that, time is time. 

Okay, we understand that’s not exactly what you mean and probably don’t intend it so literally, but you’ve likely experienced those seventeen years consciously. The hard times felt long, the good times were shorter, and yet, yet your little boy has made it to 17 years old. Congratulations!

Want to see the best gifts right away? Click here

The developmental stage of a 17-year-old boy

A 17-year-old boy is in a crucial phase of his development, where both physical and psychosocial changes play a significant role. It’s a time when he gradually becomes an adult and prepares for this transition. But, keep in mind, he’ll likely only behave like an adult when it suits him. On the other hand, he can easily hide behind statements like ‘Yeah, what do I know? You’re the adult here.’ Perhaps a bit cunning, but clever nonetheless. 

By now, your 17-year-old has probably finished growing. Any additional growth will likely be in width. This is because your dear boy is probably working out ‘with his mates’. What was once a small, skinny kid is now turning into a strong young man. If he’s lucky with his beard growth, he might even let it grow (getting used to it is allowed).

Cognitively, a 17-year-old boy often shows a high level of reasoning. Suddenly, things that happen make a lot of sense, and the boy actually understands what you mean when you explain something complex. It makes conversations more interesting, although it also means you’re likely to get more backtalk. While they prefer living in the moment, it’s about time they start thinking about the future. But, oh, the future. What to do with it? he’ll undoubtedly wonder. 

Besides all the cognitive and physical changes, the 17-year-old boy will also struggle with various (unknown) feelings. Identity questions, mood swings, self-reflection, romantic feelings, and opinions of others, it’s a lot to handle. On the other hand, this will help them better understand their own values, beliefs, and identity. All these and the above factors make your 17-year-old boy who he is and allows him to be himself. It’s beautiful to watch this development from a distance but closely follow.

Dont’s (types of gifts you shouldn’t buy for a 17-year-old boy)

You can probably list several gifts for this 17-year-old right away, but do you consider that there are gifts you’d rather not give? For instance, it’s not very appropriate to give alcohol. Considering the brain development, even an age until 25 is quite critical. Anyway, a few more years to wait, and it’ll be ‘fine’. Furthermore, you don’t want to be too serious with the gift. Items for his future household might be important, but they’re not yet on his wish list. So, use your creativity, our top 20 gifts for a 17-year-old boy, and just ask him what he’d like to have. 

What is an appropriate budget for this age? 

  • Parents/guardians: £50.00 to …
    Perhaps a driver’s license is starting to come into the picture, or your son is very happy with a sweater from a (too) expensive brand. Either way, don’t take this budget as a fixed rule. 
  • Close family members (uncles, aunts, grandparents): £20.00 to £50.00
    He probably still has a secret wish list that gets passed on to family members. They can then choose a nice gift based on their preferences.
  • Neighbors/acquaintances: £10.00
    When the boy was a baby, the neighbors already visited. Today, they’re still the same, but giving every neighbor boy and girl a £50.00 gift goes a bit too far. 
  • Friends: £15.00
    Friends will undoubtedly come with a ‘trolling gift’, while girls will sincerely try to do their best. 

Additional tips 

With a few final tips, you’ll undoubtedly make the right decision in your quest for a gift. Our list of the best gifts exists for a reason, so let it inspire you and even buy something from it. Because, better well-stolen than poorly thought out, right? Moreover, you don’t have to tell the boy you had some ‘help’. Additionally, it’s always fun to give a personal gift along with it. This shows that you know him, appreciate who he is, and enjoy putting effort into him.

1. Adidas Slides

No, no, we don’t do elderly slippers. Those old-fashioned things that make your feet sweat even more are no solution for a cold floor. What is a solution? Well, how about Adidas sliders. Think of these sliders as the modern-day slippers. At least that’s the case for teenagers, because dads and moms can still get by just fine with their slippers. Be sure to get a second set for summer, otherwise he’ll walk outside in his ‘indoor slides’ and bring all sorts of mess inside. Phew, living with a seventeen-year-old at home is something, isn’t it? He has to consider so many things, what an effort.

2. Powerbank

A powerbank is a handy accessory for everyone, including a 17-year-old boy. It allows him to charge his electronic devices, such as his smartphone, tablet for school, or smartwatch, anytime and anywhere. So, there’s no longer an excuse that there’s no outlet nearby and he can’t respond to your messages. You might think it’s mostly useful for travel, long journeys, or festivals, but he’ll carry it with him daily. The only point is that he also needs to remember to charge the powerbank regularly. Because with a dead powerbank and a dead phone, you’re still back to square one as before. Well, it’ll be fine.

3. Amazon gift card

If you’re really at your wit’s end and none of the gift ideas suit the boy’s taste, you can always go for this option. It might seem a bit impersonal, but it puts ‘the problem’ back in his hands. If he buys a set of weights he already had on a whim, then so be it. You can expect some responsibility from a seventeen-year-old and don’t have to follow up on every little thing anymore. Well, you know what, it’ll all work out, and he’ll undoubtedly know what to do with it. Even if he buys an LED strip for under his bed, does it really matter to you (a bit bluntly said, we know)?

4. Pull-up bar

Teenage boys are often more concerned with their physical appearance for various reasons. First, hormonal changes play a role, leading to greater awareness of their own body and appearance. Additionally, societal, media, and peer pressure to look good and be attractive contribute to this behavior. Teenagers, including this seventeen-year-old boy, want to be accepted and fit in, and appearance plays a crucial role in this. They have a more conscious self-image, know what ‘identity’ means to them, and strive for acceptance. And oh yes, girls their age wouldn’t mind dating a boy who takes care of himself. So, how do you stay in shape? Exactly, by getting a pull-up bar.

5. Perfume

Now that the worst phase of teenage sweat is over (we hope for those involved), it’s time to pay more attention to ✨appearance✨. Point four covered literally working on your physical appearance, but here we take it to a new level. Looking good in terms of clothing and, better yet, smelling nice is another aspect. No one wants to go on a date with someone who smells like they haven’t showered in three days (a bit exaggerated, but you get the point). For this reason, we’ve selected several beautiful perfumes with a reasonably neutral scent as much as possible. Take a look, smell them at the local perfumery, and order one today!

6. Fishing rod

Fishing is trendy. You might not think so, but it really is. Of course, that doesn’t mean all 17-year-olds in the Netherlands are sitting by the canal. Anyway, a good casting fishing rod is a must for this sport. What’s good, you may ask? First, it’s important that the rod is lightweight, so you can fish comfortably for extended periods without getting tired. Sensitivity is also crucial, allowing you to detect subtle bites and react quickly. From the fisherman’s perspective, the seventeen-year-old boy, a good casting action and accuracy are essential to lure the fish to the right spot. Lastly, you want to invest in a more expensive rod to ensure its durability.

7. Electric scooter

Even if this young man already has his driver’s license, it might be too early for him to be driving alone. Cycling is just tiring, and since walking is not an option at all, the electric scooter is the solution. He can quickly get to school, his friends, or work without wasting his ‘precious’ energy. An item like this also gives a sense of freedom. He can go wherever he wants and reach his destination relatively quickly. Plus, he can have some fun stunts with it, making it a great gift for an adventurous teenager who likes to have fun with his friends.

8. Wallet

Now that he’s 17, you can understand that he carries several cards with him. From a bank card and driver’s license to his gym card and student card, there are quite a few. He can’t carry all of these loosely anymore, so a wallet is appropriate. By wallet, we don’t necessarily mean a big, bulky leather thing, but rather something like a cardholder. Because honestly, which seventeen-year-old (who doesn’t work off the books) still carries a stack of cash? Exactly, no one. So, this budget-friendly gift is quite suitable, don’t you think?

9. Wireless speaker

With a wireless speaker, the 17-year-old boy can connect to music anytime, anywhere. Whether he’s at home or hanging out in the park with friends, the beats will be flying around. It’s also a handy thing because most speakers are compact and easy to move. However, don’t underestimate how much sound these items can produce and certainly cause some disturbance to the rest of the house. But on the other hand, it prevents him from listening to music too loudly with his earphones and thus getting hearing damage faster. Well, there’s something to be said for everything, and with good agreements, it doesn’t have to be that the whole family has to enjoy his music.

10. 3-in-1 wireless charger

Wireless again? Wireless again. It is what it is, and you’ll just have to go along with it, I believe. In any case, such a charger is incredibly handy. You can charge your phone, smartwatch, and earphones all at the same time. However, it’s useful to check what kind of phone and gadgets he has because Android is quite different from Apple, to let you know. It also saves a lot of clutter in his room because you only need one outlet for this. No power strip for all the electronics in the room, no, you just use the outlets available. A solution like this was invented for a reason, right?